
Living Wi$ely
Living Wi$ely is a personal finance and budget counseling ministry that helps participants explore basic concepts of 1) creating and living within a budget; 2) saving, giving and getting out of debt; 3) biblical principles and spiritual issue of money. It is designed to be offered weekly for four weeks. The free online materials include the Financial Workshop Manual and a PowerPoint presentation for each of the four sessions. (Photo (c) Ariel Grimm, ShareAlike License)

Environmental Awareness for Confirmands
One aspect of the Christian life that often gets little attention in most Lutheran confirmation programs is environmental stewardship. Following is a six-session program that concentrates on how each individual person interacts with his or her surrounding environment. The program has three basic goals; an awareness of how many resources it takes for each of us to live, an awareness of the amounts and kinds of waste each of us generates, and an awareness of our human and Christian responsibility to steward the use of God’s creation.