
Harvest Liturgy From Green Christian
Here’s a harvest liturgy resource from Green Christian that also includes ideas for incorporating the abundance of the harvest and care of creation into autumn parish life. Be sure to check out the other worship and prayer resources on this excellent website. (Photo: eden pictures, Creative Commons)

Harvest Liturgy
Harvest time is in full swing in the many parts of the northern hemisphere. If you’re planning a Harvest Sunday, here’s an almost complete liturgy from the “parishLife” blog of Simon Rundell, rector and author. Be sure to check out his other work whilst you’re there. (Photo: Herry Lawford, Creative Commons)

Celebrate the Season of Creation
Here’s a great idea: Follow the rhythms of the church year to help you focus on themes of creation, life and the environment! That’s the idea behind Let All Creation Praise, which offers free resources for worship, preaching and educating. (Photo © JulietPhotography –

Celebrate the Harvest, Especially This Year
Where I live, it’s easy to remember the cycles of nature and the joyous, bountiful season of harvest. Mile after country mile in Adams County, Pennsylvania, brings you past apple orchards where the fruit, sometimes clustered like grapes, pulls the branches of the trees way down low, so the leaves sweep the ground. The harvest […]

From Wrath to Worth
Lectionary Reflection for the 4th Sunday in Lent March 18, 2012 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God—not the result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus […]

Holy Collision!
Lectionary Reflection for the Baptism of our Lord
January 8, 2012
Mark’s gospel propels us like carnival bumper cars into a holy collision of water, Word, and Spirit. Are you ready? This is no Sunday for “nicey-nice” tame imagery in the presence of the Creator who brought life from chaos and salvation from sin. (Photo by Paul Holloway used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

The Gift that Keeps on Giving
Lectionary Reflection for Christmas Eve 2011
How can we share the gift that keeps on giving in a way that honors the timelessness of the message but allows us to see, hear, and embody that message in a fresh way?

No power for worship?
‘It’s Personal’ Blog
When Hurricane Irene knocked out power on a Sunday morning we had to cancel worship. But is the electric company the real source of our power for worship? Of course not, but many churches hold services even though they seem “off the grid” of the Holy Spirit. (Rob Blezard photo.)

Rogation: Celebration of seedtime
Rogation is the Eastertide celebration of the fields and orchards during planting time. Why not use it as a way to honor the earth at Springtime? It’s traditionally held the sixth week of Easter, but anytime’s appropriate to honor the processes of life. Here is a Rogation Service you can adapt for your own context: […]

Let’s Start the Party and Show a Little Joy!
Lectionary Reflection
Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost, September 12, 2010
Isn’t it time we quit our mumbling and grumbling and let joy be the defining mark of our discipleship and gratitude for being sought and found by God?