
Best Practices for Year-Round Stewardship

It takes effort to make stewardship a part of your church culture 365 days a year, but here are some wonderful simple tips from the United Church of Canada. (Photo by Philip Chapman-Bell, used by Creative Commons license)

Principles and Practices of Year-Round Stewardship

Creating and keeping a dynamic stewardship focus can be a daunting challenge for the church staff, especially if the staff is one bivocational pastor. Where do you start and how do you maintain? The California Southern Baptist Convention has some ideas. ((Photo © a_korn –

A Guide for Year-Round Financial Stewardship Planning

This is a comprehensive guide for your congregation’s stewardship and finance team — a 46-page resource from the Presbyterian Church USA! Just what your church needs to get started or to stay on track. (Photo © JulietPhotography –

Basics for a Year-Round Ministry of Stewardship

Sadly, for many churches stewardship campaign planning begins after Labor Day. A good stewardship ministry is a year-round effort. This free 16-page guide helps clarify ideas and misconceptions about stewardship as it provides a framework for planning a year-round stewardship campaign. (Flickr imge by alancleaver_2000, used by Creative Commons license)

Year-Round Stewardship Calendar

We are accustomed to thinking of stewardship in terms of the annual “pledge drive.” It happens once a year, and mostly we endure it as a necessary evil to raise money to run the church. This calendar takes stewardship out of the “annual occurrence” category and places it where it should be – right in […]