Make Stewardship your Lenten Discipline
Here are some great free online devotionals that can help you make Stewardship a discipline for Lent:
Lenten Devotional: Stewardship Principles, from Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN. It’s a dandy Lenten daily stewardship devotional, but it’s dated last year. Change the dates and you’ve got a winner!
Connecting with God, Myself, Others, from Alternatives for Simple Living, offers a meditation, a reading suggestion or an activity for every day of Lent. Very creative!
Lenten Devotions for God’s Stewards, from Parish Publishing.
Here are some ideas to work with stewardship this Lent:
Stewardship and Lent, from The Episcopal Network for Stewardship.
Our Work is Loving the World, a Lenten stewardship reflection from the International Catholic Stewardship Council.
Care for Creation this Lent, links to sites with great ideas, from Earth Ministry.
Here are some Lenten Devotionals that aren’t specifically about stewardship, but really good.
Love’s Greatest Sacrafice, from Lutheran Hour Ministries, is available in a number of formats — podcast, download, email subscription.
40 Days of Nourishment, from Luther Seminary. Good stuff.
40 Ideas for Keeping a Holy Lent, from Nadia Bolz Weber, the “Sarcastic Lutheran.” Good, practical, simple ideas.
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[…] Stewardship of Life Institute offers this list of stewardship-based Lenten online […]