Earth Sunday Resources for Worship & Education
Earth Day, April 22, falls on a Friday this year, so why not Celebrate Earth Sunday on the April 17 or April 24? You can make it a celebration of the natural environment. Here are some places to get ideas and resources.
EARTH DAY 2016 – Care for God’s Creatures
Every year Creation Justice Ministries puts together some wonderful resources set in a theme. This year focuses on our call to dominion over God’s creatures. In a time when one in five species faces threat of extinction, what does it mean to respond as Christians? CJM has have put together a resource along with additional pieces including sermon preparation, song suggestions, Christian education ideas, and much more.
Catholic Climate Covenant: Earth Day Guide 2016 – has lots of resources for your planning!
Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth
Blessed Earth offers a pdf of activities and worship aids for Honoring God’s Creation.
EARTH DAY 2015 – Have You Anything Here to Eat: This is Creation Justice Ministries’ offering from last year — still pretty fresh if you missed it! “Have You Anything Here to Eat” focuses on the connection between climate change and food. CJM has have put together a resource along with additional pieces including sermon preparation, song suggestions, Christian education ideas, and much more.
Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping: This is a great educational resource from the ELCA — a 50-page booklet with lots of ideas and lessons.
Creation Care Curriculum: Every Creature Singing: Here’s a 13-lesson guide from the Mennonite Creation Care Network. Excellent!
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