Creation Care Curriculum: Every Creature Singing

By Mennonite Creation Care Network, February 29, 2016

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This spring while scheduling your Earth Day observance, plan to educate your church on how our decisions impact the one and only planet that God gave us to live on — and how we can care for creation! “Every Creature Singing” gives you a detailed 13-session lesson plan, as well as a teacher’s guide. Each lesson has Scripture, readings, discussion questions that focus on your neighborhood, and other resources.

Photo: George Fox Evangelical Seminary, Creative Commons

About the Author

Mennonite Creation Care Network (MCCN) is a bi-national Christian organization affiliated with the Mennonite Church USA and the Mennonite Church Canada. Our vision includes: Congregations that grasp God's love for all the earth. Individuals & Households where decision-makers routinely consider environmental impacts. Schools, where students of all ages learn to connect with the natural world. Church Agencies that choose advocates to keep creation care prominent. The Broader Community, shaped by creative approaches to transportation, housing, food, waste disposal.See Mennonite Creation Care Network's website.

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