Browsing by Rob Blezard

Giving ‘Because of God’s Great Mercy’

As I work with congregations in their stewardship ministry, I’m always surprised how few annually ask members and friends of the congregation to increase their giving. Most people won’t increase giving if you don’t ask them to. “Because of God’s Great Mercy” is a complete program that provides everything a congregation needs to make a direct, respectful request, along with a simple way for people to calculate an increase of 1/2 of 1% of household income.” (Photo by Artotem, used by Creative Commons license)

How to be Happy: Cultivating Contentment

Do you know how to be happy? Or are you waiting for happiness to find you? Despite what the fairy tales depict, happiness doesn’t appear by magic. It’s not even something that happens to you. It’s something you can cultivate, says this article from the Mayo Clinic. (Photo © Maksim Bukovski –

Renewal and Green Ministry

For this congregation, revitalization and embracing the GreenFaith Initiative go hand in hand. The story of United By Faith, Evergreen Park, Ill., shows how even a smaller congregation can take on the challenging work of going green. From Lutherans Restoring Creation. ((Photo by  Michael Coghlan, used by Creative Commons license)

10 Reasons to Offer Online Giving

Churches are jumping on the online giving trend in record numbers. Most find it a safe and efficient way to help their members with consistent stewardship. Here are 10 reasons your church might want to consider online giving. From (Photo by Jhaymesisviphotography, used by Creative Commons license)

The Spirituality of Fundraising and Philanthropy

Kerry A. Robinson always wondered why so many church leaders dislike the financial aspects of their organizations. Author of the book, “Imagining Abundance,” she says in an interview with Faith & Leadership that Instead of being uncomfortable with the task of raising money, Christian institutional leaders should embrace it as an essential part of their work and ministry. Read the whole interview for more insights. (Photo by Keoni Cabral, used by Creative Commons license.)

Make a Personal Covenant with Creation

Think about it: Every action has consequences on other humans and on the Earth. Here’s a cool resource to help you and your congregation learn the impact your actions have on the environment that we share with every other living creature. The covenant will help you commit to reducing your impact on others and walking lightly on Earth. Use the covenant as a learning project with the youth group, Sunday school class or the whole congregation. (Photo by Sun Dazed, used by Creative Commons license)

Hold a Blessing of the Bicycles

Bicycles are amazing! They benefit the environment by using no fossil fuels, and they benefit the rider through exercise that burns promotes fitness. Why not honor the bicycle riders in your congregation and promote this mode of transportation by blessing the bikes. This service will help.

A Model Church Financial Policy

Lots of churches muddle along without policies to govern their financial matters, opening themselves up to problems down the road. Is yours one of them? If it is — or if your church’s policy simply needs updating — then Lifeway has a model policy that can get you going.

Planning and Recruiting for Stewardship

Summer is the perfect time to recruit volunteers. Fewer committee meetings mean more time for the one-on-one visits so important to matching the right person to the job. Here is a recorded webinar and accompanying slides to help you put your team in place, from the Episcopal Church Foundation.

Done with Sit Down, Shut Up

People are leaving their churches because they feel excluded from participating in the communication of the message. They have heard countless sermons, but they grew weary, very weary, of sitting in pews, feeling muzzled, while the person on stage monopolizes every word, says Thom Schultz of Holy Soup. (Photo by stephen_jamesP, used by Creative Commons license)