Browsing by Rob Blezard

Advent Stewardship
Advent can be a fruitful season for stewardship. Can you fold stewardship into your special Advent education or worship opportunities? From the International Catholic Stewardship Council. (Photo: Christopher Bulle, Creative Commons)

Energy-Saving Ideas for Your Church
You save not only energy but also money when you move your congregation a little farther down the ecological road. It’s a win for you church, your pocketbook and the earth. From (Photo: Frank Hebbert, Creative Commons)

Increase Giving in Your Congregation
Even if you’ve heard some of these tips before, this list of 16 great ideas from Diocese of Ottawa, Anglican Church of Canada, is worth printing out and giving to every member of your finance and stewardship team! Which can you implement immediately? Â (Photo: Jared Jarvis, Creative Commons)

Online Giving Guide
Overwhelmed by all the choices out there in congregational online giving? Who isn’t? ChurchBuzz’s updated online giving guide provides simple how-to advice and tips for congregations that want to jump into the area. (Photo: Ged Carroll, Creative Commons)

Stewardship Glossary
What do all those arcane words mean that you hear whenever folks talk about stewardship? This glossary from ELCA Stewardship Resources can help guide you through. (Photo: Janet Galore)

Here’s an Asset to Fund Ministry: Your Land
Churches need money for ministry, but the needs of congregations today outpace the will of people to give, especially given the generational differences between “the great generation†and baby boomers, and then between baby boomers and millennials. As traditional funding sources are maxed out, There is one asset that nearly all churches possess—land. Why not look into a land-use policy that can help finance ministry? (Photo: Alejandro Rdguez, Creative Commons)

Essentials for Time Management
Church leaders face so many demands on their time, it’s no wonder many of us are depleted and stressed most of the time. Blogger David Murray has some tips for how to use time more effectively. (Photo: Grublee,

Earth Stewardship Experts
Scientists not only know exactly what’s happening to the only planet home we have, they also know how to care for it. The Earth Stewardship webpage of the Ecological Society of America has authoritative information and great tips! (Photo: Bark, Creative Commons)

More than Giving Money
“Stewardship is another way of talking about ministry, and it would revolutionize ministry if people could think of it in terms of stewardship—that we are accountable to God for what we do and with what he has trusted to us,” says R. Paul Stevens in this Christianity Today interview. (Photo: Keoni Cabral, Creative Commons)

The 3 i’s of Stewardship
Today, church leaders must appeal to the congregation from a variety of vantage points. There are no magical programs, processes or words that fund a church budget automatically, but some broad understandings of what people are looking for can help. Here are three essential aspects of stewardship, all beginning with the letter ‘i’.