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Wholehearted Stewardship
This article from ECF Vital Practices poses the question “What is keeping us from living into fundraising as a wholehearted ministry?” Using Brene Brown’s TED Talk “The Power of Vulnerability,” author Erin Weber-Johnson hallmarks of a successful parish stewardship program. Photo: (Photo © Strezhnev Pavel –
An Experiment: Year-Round Stewardship
Check out how St. Nicholas Episcopal Church in Germantown, Maryland, is embracing a new approach to stewardship.From Vital Practices, the online newsletter of the Episcopal Church Foundation. (Photo: joiseyshowaa, Creative Commons License)
A Simple Lesson in Stewardship
Ninth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B, July 26, 2015
What do bread and stewardship have to do with each other? Check out this week’s lectionary reflection for our thoughts. You’ll also find ideas for worship and for time with youth and children. (Photo: Steve Cadman, ,Creative Commons)
We Can Afford to be Generous
“Generosity is a form of trust,” says pastor and author Brian Zahnd. “This is why Jesus constantly tells us not to worry about scarcity, but to trust in God. We are not limited to a finite, zero-based, closed-system universe.” Check out this compelling reflection–especially in light of the gospel lesson for this coming Sunday (9th Sunday after Pentecost, Year B). Photo: Erik Fitzpatrick, Creative Commons
Peace and More Peace
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B, July 19, 2015
This is a good Sunday to preach and teach about peace–both peace found in our unity in Christ and peace that Christ commands us to seek in rest and time apart. Whichever route you take, we all need a little more peace in our lives. That’s one thing upon which we can all find common ground. (Photo: bana gurl, Creative Commons)
8 Reasons Leaders Need Solitude & 5 Doable Ways to Find It
In this week’s gospel lesson, Jesus hears everything his disciples have done and promptly invites them to “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest awhile” (Mark 6:30-31a). This is good advice that’s tough to take; in fact, it’s critical to our leadership, health, and spiritual and emotional well-being. Author and pastor Carey Nieuwhof has a few ideas to help. (Photo: Leland Francisco, Creative Commons)
The High Cost of Truth-Telling
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost, Year B
July 12, 2015
What is the cost of discipleship? Are you willing to go there? Are you willing to speak out, stand up, and move your feet for justice and love of neighbor? What are you willing to lose? This Sunday’s gospel is a great springboard for discussing discipleship and taking a stand. Blessings on your preaching and teaching, bold colleagues. (Photo: Keith Bacongo, Creative Commons)
The Spirituality of Fundraising and Philanthropy
Kerry A. Robinson always wondered why so many church leaders dislike the financial aspects of their organizations. Author of the book, “Imagining Abundance,” she says in an interview with Faith & Leadership that Instead of being uncomfortable with the task of raising money, Christian institutional leaders should embrace it as an essential part of their work and ministry. Read the whole interview for more insights. (Photo by Keoni Cabral, used by Creative Commons license.)
Lord, Have Mercy
Lectionary Reflection for the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B, July 5, 2015
What might it look like to challenge congregants to speak boldly in the name of Christ, and to utter a prophetic word of hope, peace, justice, and love? Can we stand in solidarity with those who are suffering? Are we ready to make a difference, to raise our voices and lend our hands, or will it be to go on with business as usual? (Photo: James Trosh, Creative Commons)
Make a Personal Covenant with Creation
Think about it: Every action has consequences on other humans and on the Earth. Here’s a cool resource to help you and your congregation learn the impact your actions have on the environment that we share with every other living creature. The covenant will help you commit to reducing your impact on others and walking lightly on Earth. Use the covenant as a learning project with the youth group, Sunday school class or the whole congregation. (Photo by Sun Dazed, used by Creative Commons license)