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Streamline your Life with Good Stewardship Habits
Good stewardship habits are good for both your life and your wallet, according to Consumer Psychologist Kit Yarrow, who includes sharing, gratitude, and contentment among her twelve tips to streamline one’s life and budget. Dr. Yarrow’s suggestions are particularly timely for this season of Advent when we are bombarded with messages to overspend and overbuy. (Photo: Rubbermaid Products, Creative Commons)
Achieving Dreams Beyond the Budget
Here is a manual for those who would work on building an endowment or seeking planned gifts in their local church, “Achieving Your Dreams Beyond the Budget” is an exceptional tool for local church stewardship. This publication outlines a timeless process for congregational planned giving that is still relevant today. Beginning with a theological foundation for planned giving, the booklet walks you through the steps to implement a planned giving program in your congregation.
For Such a Time as This
Narrative Lectionary Reflection, Year 1, Week 12
Second Week of Advent, December 7, 2014
Esther took advantage of the opportunity afforded her to save her people. How might we today take advantage of our abundance to make a difference in the lives of others? (Photo: JC, Creative Commons)
Stewards of Advent Time: Prepare
Lectionary Reflection for the Second Sunday of Advent Year B, December 7, 2014
This Advent as we watch and keep awake we are also expected—all of us—to be active participants in preparing for Christ’s coming among us in the Day of the Lord. Read on for five suggestions and for ideas for worship (continuing the Advent visual), and time with youth and children. (Photo: /\ \/\/ /\, Creative Commons)
Stewards of Advent Time: Awake
First Sunday of Advent, Year B, November 30, 2014
It’s Advent again. What’s a Christian to do? We wait, we hope, we sin, we mess up: wash, rinse, repeat. According to Jesus in Mark’s gospel this week, we must remain awake and be fully present and attentive every day. (Photo: Alan Turkus, Creative Commons)
A Mouthful of Divine Words
Narrative Lectionary Reflection (Year One, Week Ten), November 23, 2014
Jeremiah’s call to speak prophetically to God’s people is a tough one, but God puts the words in his mouth and goes with him. Yes, God equips ordinary people like you and like me to speak. When we do so, we can count on God to be sowing seeds of hope and abundance–even when the situation looks hopeless. (Photo: emdot, Creative Commons)
Team Goat, Team Sheep, and the Strange King of Everything
Christ the King Sunday Year A, November 23, 2014
Is it really a case of “Team Goat” vs. “Team Sheep” and winners and losers of eternal proportions? Maybe Jesus’ point with this story is something quite different. After all, he is the King of Everything! (Photo: Jirka Matousek, Creative Commons. Thanks!)
Easy Ways to Share Gratitude this Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving comes every fourth Thursday in November, but thanking God for our blessings is a spiritual discipline that should not be limited to a single day. Giving thanks is as essential to our spiritual growth as prayer. Here are some creative ideas not only to develop an attitude of thankfulness but also to reach out to our neighbors.
Stewardship Basics in a Rural Setting
This article, written by Pastor Todd Nelson, is one of many valuable weekly newsletter offerings from the Center for Stewardship Leaders at Luther Seminary. Be sure to visit their website for this and other resources, as well as recordings from past Renewing Stewardship events.