Browsing Environment
“Eco-Reformation†is the term embraced by Lutheran theologians who foreground the crisis facing God’s creation and suggest that 2017’s 500th anniversary of the Reformation be a time when Christians across the globe take up the cause of saving God’s creation from destruction by climate change, pollution and unsustainable consumption of resources. This entire issue of Currents explores the issue of Eco-Reformation and calls God’s people to action, (Photo: U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
Creation Care for Children
Blessed Earth offers a great list of resources for lessons, activities, and books to teach children about creation care. You’re sure to find something useful! (Photo:Â d-olwen-dee, creative commons)
Earth Sunday Resources for Worship & Education
Earth Day, April 22, falls on a Tuesday this year, so why not plan an Earth Sunday — or Creation Sunday — on April 20 or April 27? You can make it a celebration of the natural environment in worship, and a special teaching opportunity for your Sunday school. Here are some places to get ideas and resources. (NASA photo: Public domain)
Creation Care Curriculum: Every Creature Singing
This spring while scheduling your Earth Day observance, plan to educate your church on how our decisions impact the one and only planet that God gave us to live on — and how we can care for creation! “Every Creature Singing” gives you a detailed 13-session lesson plan, as well as a teacher’s guide. Each lesson has Scripture, readings, discussion questions that focus on your neighborhood, and other resources. (Photo: George Fox Evangelical Seminary, Creative Commons)
Online Creation Care Library
Tyndale Seminary offers an online “Creation Care Reading Room” for people without easy access to a seminary library. You’ll find many helpful resources here. (Photo © Elena Schweitzer –
Pope Francis’ Lenten Message of Creation
Pope Francis issued a letter and released a video for Lent this past week touching on issues of creation care. We can learn from the Pope’s message strategy. Creation care is universal and involves everyone because it impacts everyone, regardless of religious affiliation. (Photo: Semilla Luz, Creative Commons)
Good Steward Worksheet
Here’s a helpful tool from the folks at–a worksheet for daily, monthly, and yearly covenant activities for better stewardship. Permission is given to reprint for your use in the congregation. (Photo: IFPL, Creative Commons)
Five Practices to Live More Sustainably
Let’s face it: Our Western habits of consumption are a big cause of the environmental crisis facing our planet. What can we do? Here are five practices that, if everybody did them, would make a big difference. Start today! From Relevant Magazine.
Conserve Energy, Save Money with GreenFaith Webinars
Sign up now for a two-part webinar series that will teach you the 12 best energy conservation and efficiency steps for faith communities. On October 29 and November 5 from Noon – 1:00 p.m. ET, Learn how to cut 10% off energy bills without spending a dime. Can’t attend live? Register to receive links to watch later.
Preach on St. Francis
Esteemed theologian the Rev. Dr. H. Paul Santmire offers detailed guidance for preaching Lectionary-based sermons on St. Francis for Sept. 27, Oct. 4 and Oct. 11. It’s a creative way to touch on environmental stewardship issues in your preaching. From (Photo by randomcuriosity, used by Creative Commons license)