Browsing Ideas for thought

Giving REALLY is Better than Receiving!
“Human generosity, far from being a thin veneer of cultural conditioning atop a Machiavellian core, may turn out to be a bedrock feature of human nature,†concluded UC-Santa Barbara psychologists in a recent study. Writing in Scientific American, author Maria Konnikova cites research supporting that it is more blessed to give than to receive. (Photo: Asenat29, Creative Commons)

January 2017 Stewardship ‘Toolbox’
Here is a great all-in-one resource for your congregation’s monthly stewardship communications. You’ll find short “Stewardship Snippets†tied to the RCL readings for every Sunday’s bulletin, articles for your monthly newsletter or website – ready to cut and paste, plus links to resources and more! Prepared by SOLI web editor Rob Blezard. (Photo © Les Cunliffe […]

TED Radio: Giving it Away
You can give away almost anything — your time, money, food, ideas. In this hour, stories from TED speakers who are “giving it away” in new and surprising ways, and the things that happen in return. Their insights into a new world of giving offer important lessons for church leaders. Check out especially Dan Pallotta’s segment. (Photo: Stephen Dann, Creative Commons)

Tips for Increasing Year-End Giving
Giving at year-end represents an increasing portion of total giving in many churches. Recognizing the many different circumstances that may motivate people’s desire to give in December, here are some strategies to maximize giving at the end of the year.  (Photo: Grublee,

December ‘Toolbox’ for Congregations
Here is a great all-in-one resource for your congregation’s monthly stewardship communication and education needs. You’ll find short “Stewardship Snippets†for every Sunday’s bulletin and articles for your monthly newsletter or website – ready to cut and paste! There’s links to resources and more! Prepared by SOLI web editor Rob Blezard. (Photo: Matt Joyce, Creative Commons)

Advent Stewardship
Advent can be a fruitful season for stewardship. Can you fold stewardship into your special Advent education or worship opportunities? From the International Catholic Stewardship Council. (Photo: Christopher Bulle, Creative Commons)

Increase Giving in Your Congregation
Even if you’ve heard some of these tips before, this list of 16 great ideas from Diocese of Ottawa, Anglican Church of Canada, is worth printing out and giving to every member of your finance and stewardship team! Which can you implement immediately? Â (Photo: Jared Jarvis, Creative Commons)

10 Reasons Folks Don’t Give to your Church
Author and stewardship coach Ben Stroup suggests 10 reasons people may not be giving to your church. A changing climate of church giving compels leaders to trade in the view from the pulpit for the one from the pew. He provides hopeful exercise for realigning your vision and communicating with congregants about giving and generosity. (Brayden McLean, Creative Commons)

Here’s an Asset to Fund Ministry: Your Land
Churches need money for ministry, but the needs of congregations today outpace the will of people to give, especially given the generational differences between “the great generation†and baby boomers, and then between baby boomers and millennials. As traditional funding sources are maxed out, There is one asset that nearly all churches possess—land. Why not look into a land-use policy that can help finance ministry? (Photo: Alejandro Rdguez, Creative Commons)

Embracing Electronic Giving
Electronic giving is the preferred method of giving for a majority of church members, according to a recent study. In other settings, people have developed habits of giving that rely on e-giving methods. Many of our congregations, however, haven’t yet responded to these changes, says Luther Seminary’s Adam J. Copeland.