Browsing Money

What’s a Good Credit Score?

Here’s a basic, easy-to-understand article about credit scores, complete with ideas about how to check and improve them. Click here to go to the CoupleMoney blog and follow Elle’s easy advice. (Photo by The Consumerist used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

Enjoy a Money-Free Weekend

A good time does not necessarily involve spending money. In this short blog post Trent Hamm of The Simple Dollar discusses his family’s move to creative money-free weekends. Click here to read more. (Photo by USFWSmidwest used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

Impossible Dream or Resurrection Reality?

Lectionary Reflection for the Second Sunday of Easter, April 15, 2012
No doubt about it, this Sunday is a great day to talk about stewardship and generosity. The lesson from Acts lifts up a model for Christian community that is both controversial and compelling. Are you up to the challenge? (Photo by stephen.willis used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!0

Build a family budget that actually works!

Making and keeping to a family budget is a lot like dieting: It’s easy start but hard to follow through. It’s one reason why so many people are overweight — and in debt! Here is an article with 10 tips for how to get your finances on track and keep them there! (Photo © Artur […]

For Granted–Groceries & Financial Preparedness

A trip to the grocery store reminds our blogger that her daughter’s financial health and preparedness are not to be taken for granted. (Photo by gmnonic used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!

The New Financial Reality

It is fact that our children are not destined to inherit our standard of living and financial ease. Trent Hamm, author and blogger, runs a series of numbers in response to a reader’s question that show the extent of how our financial situation has changed and the present and future generations face. The question is […]

The Seven Deadly Sins of Personal Finance

Here’s an engaging (and entertaining) look at the seven deadly sins of personal finance from award-winning financial blogger Len Penzo. In addition to linking these sins to personal finance, Penzo suggests “penance” for the repentant in the form of additional articles on financial management. (Photo by Muffet used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

Consumerism Study Guides and Lesson Plans

Consumerism is arguably the dominant cultural force in the United States, but our Christian faith challenges consumerism’s assumptions. Here are six study guides — on topics ranging from “Stuff Love,” “Mastering Mammon” and “Discovering Your True Identity” — to help you explore. (Photo by Pandah, used by Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

Faithful Living: A Biblical Ethic of Financial Stewardship

Financial stewardship is not only a matter of faithful giving but of faithful living. In response to the gospel, we submit our lives to the rule of God, to the lordship of Christ, and to the direction of the Holy Spirit, so that we may be the people God wants us to be and have the lives God wants us to have.

Stewardship as a Human Vocation

In this essay, Douglas John Hall explores stewardship of creation by asking the age-old question, “What are human beings for.” He rejects the pessimism of those who say the crisis is beyond hope, and instead he finds hope in Christ. (Photo by aussiegall, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)