Browsing Year 3

Seeing God and Living Hope
First Sunday of Christmas, Narrative Lectionary Year 3, January 1, 2017
The faithful witness of elders Simeon and Anna is important for our own faith and stewardship of the good news. They inspire us to praise, sing, and share the good news of enduring Christmas hope and promise in a world that has already moved on to the next new thing. (Photo: © Chariclo –

Enter Here
Narrative Lectionary Reflection for December 28, 2014 (Year One)
One of the wonderful aspects of the Narrative Lectionary is that we are afforded the opportunity to enter into the Christmas story one more time. And we’ll hear it without any of the pressures and expectations that so often accompany the faithful and seekers alike on Christmas Eve. How will you make the most of this opportunity? (Photo: Waiting for the Word, Creative Commons License)

Audacious Announcements and Pregnant Possibilities
Narrative Lectionary Reflection for the Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year 3, December 18, 2016
The lesson for this Sunday is pregnant with possibility for helping congregations understand the call to be faithful stewards of the good news and to bear Christ to the World following Mary’s faithful example. (Photo: Mary-Constance, Creative Commons)

Fulfilled and Fulfilling
Narrative Lectionary Reflection, Third Sunday of Advent, Year 3
This is really good news! God was up to something with the restoration of the people from captivity, God was up to something through the incarnation of Jesus to set all humankind free, and God is still up to something by anointing us to continue to proclaim this good news today.

Return, Rend, & Receive
Second Sunday of Advent, Narrative Lectionary, Year Three, December 4, 2016
Is this week’s lesson an “Advent Killjoy” or an alternative vision for this season? Give your whole self to God, acknowledge your sins, and as Eugene Peterson puts it in The Message, “Change your life, not just your clothes.†Now watch God’s response! (Photo: David Goehring, Creative Commons)

When Powers Collide, Wait on the Lord
Narrative Lectionary Reflection for the First Sunday of Advent, November 27, 2016
As a stewardship story, Daniel’s fierce allegiance to God is an exemplary reminder for modern day disciples and stewards of God’s abundance to keep focused on the one true source of power—God, the Creator of the Cosmos. (Photo: Daniel Imung, Creative Commons)