Browsing Spirituality & Discipline

The Spirituality of Stewardship
Jesus talked about money a lot but his point was about a spirituality of stewardship, that is, what is our attitude toward the goods of creation. Here are the four scriptural marks of a spirituality of stewardship, from the Paulist Center Boston.

Understanding Biblical Stewardship
Though too often associated merely with money, stewardship also applies to time, talent, and treasure. But stewardship isn’t just about being a good manager of our schedules, our skills, and our stuff. The discipline of biblical stewardship calls us to use all these things in the way the Lord wants, says this article from LifeWay. […]

On Sacrificial Giving
The motive of our giving is not to meet the church’s needs, but to meet our own personal need to respond to God’s overwhelming generosity to us by becoming givers ourselves.The Bible uses a word, often misunderstood, to help us see this more clearly. The word is sacrifice. Good reading from the Episcopal Diocese of […]

Make Stewardship your Lenten Discipline
This year commit to making Lent a time of personal devotion and renewal. Stretch yourself and find a stewardship connection in every meditation, devotion or activity. Because when it comes to it, everything really is a stewardship issue. Here are some free daily devotionals that can keep you thinking. (Photo © robhainer –

Pray, Serve, Give!
Three simple ways to help your parishioners grow in discipleship and stewardship are explained in this handy, easy-to-understand handout from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix. (Photo by redwinegums, used by Creative Commons license)

Hey Men! Why Give Money to the Church?
In our culture many men are obsessed with money. Can making money be bad? Only if a man allows it to control his life. Normally when you make it to give it, you control it, not the other way around. Here is some advice for men in dealing with money, from Charisma magazine. (Photo © […]

The Most Ignored Commandment
Author Nancy Sleeth, who along with her husband founded the non-profit organization Blessed Earth, invites all of us to reconsider how we are (or are not) keeping Sabbath. For Sleeth’s family, keeping Sabbath has been a true blessing. (Photo: Pawel Pacholec, Creative Commons)

Book Review: Six Steps to a Generous Life
To be “Committed to Christ†involves more than just a two- to four-week financial emphasis each November.  In his book Bob Crossman has designed a holistic approach to Christian discipleship that includes financial giving, but also looks at the other elements involved as well. Reviewed by Ken Sloane of the United Methodist Church, Board of General Discipleship. (Photo […]

Stewardship and Lent
Among the many opportunities the Lenten season provides for us, it also gives us many chances to broaden the discussion of stewardship. In our world, which is so driven by consumerism, greed, and wealth, this season calls us to turn away from these, and look again to the one true God. Here are some ideas […]