
Host a ‘Before the Flood’ Screening
Here’s your opportunity to host a screening of Before the Flood, Fisher Steven’s and Leonardo DiCaprio’s new documentary film about climate change, in your congregation–complete with screening rights, discussion guide, and DVD. (Photo: Interfaith Power & Light)

Host a Cool Harvest Potluck
How about hosting a “Cool Harvest Potluck” as a fun, faithful, and delicious way to talk about climate change? Interfaith Power & Light offers a free kit to help you plan and promote an event in your congregation or community. (Photo: Monado, Creative Commons)

7 Ways Climate Change Affects Our Health
Scientist and evangelical Christian Katharine Hayhoe explains seven ways that climate change is affecting our health in this article printed in The Huffington Post and why we need to make changes now. (Photo:Â rambojan iphoneography, Creative Commons)

Emergency Mode: A New Strategy for the Climate Movement
The climate crisis is an unprecedented emergency. Humanity is careening towards the deaths of billions of people, millions of species, and the collapse of organized civilization. How we react to the climate crisis will shape centuries and millennia to come. Given the stakes, and the extremely short timetable, it is imperative that we strive to maximize the efficacy of our actions. We need to enter “emergency mode.†Faith-based organizations can help. (Photo:Takver, Creative Commons)

Pope Francis’ Lenten Message of Creation
Pope Francis issued a letter and released a video for Lent this past week touching on issues of creation care. We can learn from the Pope’s message strategy. Creation care is universal and involves everyone because it impacts everyone, regardless of religious affiliation. (Photo: Semilla Luz, Creative Commons)

Little Things Make a Difference
In light of Pope Francis’ encyclical on climate change and the effects of our consumer culture on the planet and particularly on the poor, author Tom Beutel examines small ways we can choose to make a bigger difference. He also provides links to excellent resources. (Photo © Dmitry Rukhlenko –

Pope Francis’ Environmental Call to Action
The earth cries out to us because of the harm we have inflicted on her by our irresponsible use and abuse of the goods with which God has endowed her. We have come to see ourselves as her lords and masters, entitled to plunder her at will. The violence present in our hearts, wounded by sin, is also reflected in the symptoms of sickness evident in the soil, in the water, in the air and in all forms of life. (Photo by Aleteia Image Department, used by Creative Commons license.)

Climate Change: Finding Common Ground
“When you dig to the bottom of it,†climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe says, “the problem many people have with climate change is not with the science. The problem is that people believe climate change is not consistent with their ideological values, political values, or faith values.†Read more of Hayhoe’s perspectives in this article. (Photo: […]

Check out the Global Catholic Climate Movement
The Global Catholic Climate Movement seeks to rally the world’s largest Christian denomination behind care of God’s creation and the fight to stop climate change. Started only in January 2015, it has already gathered dozens of partner groups across the globe. Be sure to read their statement. (Photo @ Keller, Fotolia)

Climate Change Curriculum for Churches
Climate change is a confusing topic, not to mention a terrifying one. It often feels more about problems than solutions, which makes it easy to push to the sidelines as “something scientists can deal with.†This free, six-lesson course prepared by the UU United Nations Office aims to give participants a solid understanding of the facts behind climate change, an appreciation of the earth, and tools to find solutions on a range of scales. (Photo by Takver, used by Creative Commons license)