
Take the “Fed Up” Challenge
Have you seen the new documentary film Fed Up? Check out the trailer here. You can also join the “Fed Up” Sugar Free for 10 Days Challenge and access plenty of facts and useful information.

‘I Have Enough:’ Confessions of a Spiritual Renegade
Among the most revolutionary actions a person could take in a society like ours is really no action at all. Just stop. Don’t buy any more stuff. Don’t even want to buy stuff. Just be content. A Buddhist’s observations in Utne Reader can teach Christians a lot. (Photo by Leland Francisco, used by Creative Commons […]

Lectionary Reflection for the Fifth Sunday in Lent, April 6, 2014
Whether we choose to spiral toward death in all its manifestations or set our minds and hearts on Jesus’ desire to give us life abundant and peace everlasting makes all the difference. Paul’s words make a strong case for setting one’s mind on Spirit-life. (Photo: , Creative Commons)

Stewardship Lessons for Teens
Here are two free stewardship Bible studies for teens: “More than Enough” and “The Truth about Money” from the ecumenical website (Photo: 401 (K) 2013, Creative Commons)

For the Love of Money
Read this compelling New York Times op-ed by Sam Polk about how he learned that loving money isn’t the answer. Polk left Wall Street and founded a non-profit organization called Groceryships that helps hungry families buy healthy food and learn how to change their eating habits in the process. (Photo: Andrew Magill, Creative Commons)

The Lessons of Less
Mom and church leader Janet McMahon shares her story of learning to opt out of consumer culture and the surprising gifts that accompanied the lesson. Check out her story! (Photo:, Creative Commons)

Why our Brains Work Against Good Stewardship
Why, as human beings, do we tend toward consumerism and often fail to be good stewards of the resources we have on loan from God? Here’s an interesting article delving into some of the science behind the phenomenon. Click here to read the article. (Photo by Mitch Altman, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)

Fling Wide the Doors, Church!
Lectionary Reflection for the Second Sunday of Advent, Year A, December 8, 2013
Could this week’s Advent lessons offer an opportunity to talk about how to be a welcoming church and an hospitable people? How can we welcome others as Christ has welcomed us? ‘Tis the season, and we have the best reason! (Photo: sage, Creative Commons)

“What Would Jesus Buy?”
Here’s a documentary film produced by Morgan Spurlock and featuring performance activist Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping that’s perfect for exploring over-consumption at Christmas. Click here to access the full film on YouTube. (Photo: disrupsean, Creative Commons)