Lectionary Reflection for the Fifth Sunday in Lent, April 6, 2014
Whether we choose to spiral toward death in all its manifestations or set our minds and hearts on Jesus’ desire to give us life abundant and peace everlasting makes all the difference. Paul’s words make a strong case for setting one’s mind on Spirit-life. (Photo: , Creative Commons)
Bones, Boldness, and Belief
Fifth Sunday in Lent, Year A, April 10, 2011
If cadaver bone can bring healing and new life to broken joints and torn ligaments, how much more can the Holy Spirit do with our dry bones and brittle dreams? If your faith community is low on hope and high on anxiety, these texts may be just the ticket. Read on! (Photo by Sharon Mollerus used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)
Can These Bones Live?
Lectionary Reflection: March 3, 2008
The Sunday’s lectionary reading from Ezekiel has special meaning for residents of the Upper Midwest who have been dealing with population decline and other problems.