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Narrative Lectionary Reflection for December 28, 2014 (Year One)
One of the wonderful aspects of the Narrative Lectionary is that we are afforded the opportunity to enter into the Christmas story one more time. And we’ll hear it without any of the pressures and expectations that so often accompany the faithful and seekers alike on Christmas Eve. How will you make the most of this opportunity? (Photo: Waiting for the Word, Creative Commons License)

In This We Boast: In Christ We Hope
Holy Trinity Sunday, Year C, May 22, 2016
Dear friends, when the world is too much with you, and when everything that makes sense seems to fall apart, remember the triune God who will not disappoint. Choose to enter the holy dance of Trinity. Refuse to to be pulled at odds with God, creation, and one another and be made whole. (Photo: Thomas Hawk, Creative Commons)

In Good Company: Peace, Love, & Hope
Holy Trinity Sunday Lectionary Reflection, May 26, 2013
Instead of trying to use logic and reason to explain the concept of the Trinity, why not celebrate the love of God, the peace of Christ, and the amazing “hope that does not disappoint.” An extra helping of hope may be just what worshipers need to keep walking as disciples in this weary world. (Photo: © Christy Thompson –

Hold to Hope, Pursue Patience, and Cling to Christ
Lectionary Reflection for the Third Sunday in Lent, March 3, 2013
In this week’s gospel lesson, Jesus offers both warning and remedy. The Parable of the Fig Tree offers a wonderful opportunity to talk about hope, patience, and tenacious faith. (Photo by Yaniv Yaakubovich. Thanks!)

The Gift that Keeps on Giving
Lectionary Reflection for Christmas Eve 2011
How can we share the gift that keeps on giving in a way that honors the timelessness of the message but allows us to see, hear, and embody that message in a fresh way?

Addressing ‘Past Tense Hope’ Syndrome
3rd Sunday of Easter, Year A, May 8, 2011
Like Cleopas and his companion on the Road to Emmaus, disciples today can be prone to “Past Tense Hope” Syndrome. Read on for suggestions on how to address this malady and stoke the fires of a burning heart. (Photo by Andy Coan used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

Bones, Boldness, and Belief
Fifth Sunday in Lent, Year A, April 10, 2011
If cadaver bone can bring healing and new life to broken joints and torn ligaments, how much more can the Holy Spirit do with our dry bones and brittle dreams? If your faith community is low on hope and high on anxiety, these texts may be just the ticket. Read on! (Photo by Sharon Mollerus used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)