Reframed by the Holy Other
Lectionary Reflection for the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost Yr. A, October 19, 2014
This week’s lessons provide another opportunity to consider stewardship as being reframed and reformed by God. After all, as Jesus makes clear in the gospel lesson, eveything belongs to God anyway. (Photo: Al King, Creative Commons)
Here We Stand
Narrative Lectionary Reflection Year One, October 12, 2014
Joshua 24:1-15
This lesson is equally timely for Christians today facing what Phyllis Tickle terms “the great emergence” as the church once again stands at a pivot point in its lifespan. What will you community choose? (Photo: dun_deagh, Creative Commons)
Come to the Feast
Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost Year A, October 12, 2014
God sets a forth a feast in three of today’s four readings, sending a message of abundance and provision. Yet how often do we seek to accept God’s blessings on our own terms and at our own convenience–often to the detriment of others? (Photo:, Creative Commons, Thanks!)
Commanded to be Stewards
Narrative Lectionary Year One Reflection for October 5, 2014
What fresh things can we say about the Ten Commandments? Since right relationship is at the core, how about a stewardship emphasis? It’s also close to the commemoration of St. Francis, so that also assists the stewardship theme. (Photo: Joel Kramer, Creative Commons)
Grapes of Wrath and Grace
Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost Year A, October 5, 2014
The parable of the vineyard is tough sledding, but even this story has stewardship implications. Read on for sermon notes, worship ideas, and time with children and youth. (Photo: DeusXFlorida, Creative Commons. Thanks!)
Fear of Drowning in the Seas of Change
Narrative Lectionary Year One Reflection for September 28, 2014
Exodus 14:10-14, 21-29
Fear of change affects our faith communities in much the same way it did God’s people leaving Egypt. Read on to see how this story can speak to today’s church and how stewardship is woven throughout. (Photo: CC-Archer, Creative Commons)
The Problem with Generosity
Lectionary Reflection, 16th Sunday After Pentecost, Year A.
Is a gift really a gift if it comes with strings attached, such as restrictions on how it can be used? Unfortunately, that’s the way many churches receive contributions in our North American context. Where does this come from, and how can we confront it? (Photo by Stewardship–Transforming Generosity, used by Creative Commons license)
Forgiveness and Sending
Lectionary Reflections for Sunday, September 14, 2014 14th Sunday after Pentecost, Year A Forgiveness as a Mark of Christian Community Then Peter came and said to him, ‘Lord, if another member of the church sins against me, how often should I forgive? As many as seven times?’ Jesus said to him, ‘ Not seven times, […]
A Debt of Love and Loving Covenant
Lectionary Reflections for Sunday, September 7, 2014
Whether you’re looking at love and reconciliation with the RCL lessons or God’s covenant with Noah and all creation, we have sermon starters, worship ideas, and suggestions for time with youth and children. Beginning this week, we’ll be looking at both the Revised Common and Narrative Lectionaries. (Photo: Marcelino Repayla Jr., Creative Commons)