
Resolve to be Green in 2015
Creation care doesn’t have to be difficult. Here are five simple ways you can do a better job of caring for the earth. A little bit of effort goes a long way! (Photo Steve Snodgrass, Creative Commons)

Stewards of Advent Time: Witness
Third Sunday of Advent, Year B, December 14, 2014
Like John the Baptist, we are called to point to Jesus, to share the good news so that others may know him. Witness is not passive. We tell the story of what we have seen, heard, and experienced. (Photo: Paolo Tonin, Creative Commons)

Streamline your Life with Good Stewardship Habits
Good stewardship habits are good for both your life and your wallet, according to Consumer Psychologist Kit Yarrow, who includes sharing, gratitude, and contentment among her twelve tips to streamline one’s life and budget. Dr. Yarrow’s suggestions are particularly timely for this season of Advent when we are bombarded with messages to overspend and overbuy. (Photo: Rubbermaid Products, Creative Commons)

Never Underestimate the Power of Giving
Here’s a story of how one singer-songwriter/actress found a way to make a difference, giving of herself to help others–and help others continue the chain of giving–all through discarded keys. (Photo: pitterpatterart, Creative Commons)

Stewardship Basics in a Rural Setting
This article, written by Pastor Todd Nelson, is one of many valuable weekly newsletter offerings from the Center for Stewardship Leaders at Luther Seminary. Be sure to visit their website for this and other resources, as well as recordings from past Renewing Stewardship events.

“Discipleship Starter”
Narrative Lectionary Reflection for November 9, 2014 (Year One)
In this short passage from Micah, God gives us some simple ingredients for the life of discipleship. This faith “starter†takes on a life of its own, multiplying, growing, sweetening, and creatively expanding as we share, learn, and walk together. (Photo: Neil Conroy, Creative Commons)

A Day for Hope and Rejoicing?
All Saints Sunday, Year A, November 2, 2014
All Saints Sunday is truly a day where the church can shout “Amen,†live in abundant hope, and rejoice prodigally. Such rejoicing is an act of defiance in the face of the powers of death and darkness and an affirmation of our Lord’s promises and teachings. (Photo: Beatrice Murch, Creative Commons)

Can Fighting Poverty Make You Happy?
This was a question filmmaker Daniel Karslake asked after learning that a person dies every three seconds as a result of living in extreme poverty. The film he made as a result, Every Three Seconds, tells the story of five ordinary people who are making a real difference–and how everyone can do something. (Photo: Creativist Collective/Claire Evans, Creative Commons. Thanks!)

Cultivate Contentment
Without deliberately cultivating contentment, it’s tough to successfully steward and appreciate God’s abundance all around us. Check out this article from Relevant Magazine that offers five simple practices leading to greater contentment. (Photo: Rachel Sarai, Creative Commons)