
Plastic Purge
Want to know more about plastics, their effects on humans and the environment, and how to recycle them properly? Here’s a comprehensive article from UTNE Reader by Plastic Purge author Michael SanClements. You’re almost there. Click the title to be redirected. (Photo: Katherine Davis, Creative Commons)

Table Grace for Environmental Stewards
From Cool Harvest, a program of Interfaith Power and Light, comes a handy downloadable PDF booklet entitled “Thanking God with Integrity: Volume II Table Grace in a World Struggling with Climate Change.” No matter your stance on this issue, you’ll find this booklet well worth reading and sharing. (Photo: Shannon Patrick 17, Creative Commons)

Take the “Fed Up” Challenge
Have you seen the new documentary film Fed Up? Check out the trailer here. You can also join the “Fed Up” Sugar Free for 10 Days Challenge and access plenty of facts and useful information.

Take Time to De-Clutter Your Life
Spring is here, and many people put spring cleaning high on their priority list. Along with dusting, washing and vacuuming, why not take the time to sort through your possessions and get rid of the stuff you don’t really need? Lifeway writer Jason Hayes shares his family’s experience. (Photo by Karl Sinfield, used by Creative […]

Stewards of the Promise (Part One)
Lectionary Reflection for the Fourth Sunday of Easter, Year A
May 11, 2014
Yes, Jesus is the Good Shepherd, but why not use this Sunday to begin a three-part series on stewardship? We are called to steward the promises of God, yet too often our stewardship focuses too much on money and not enough on our role as active participants in ushering in God’s reign and the life abundant. (Photo: fady habib, Creative Commons)

Life in His Name
Lectionary Reflection for the Second Sunday of Easter, Year A
April 27, 2014
Instead of looking at this snapshot from John’s gospel as merely Thomas’ story of encountering the risen Christ, maybe we need to explore it from our Lord’s perspective of relationship, of reaching out and clothing us in his love and with his own name and identity. (Photo: Mark Morgan, Creative Commons)

Lectionary Reflection for the Fifth Sunday in Lent, April 6, 2014
Whether we choose to spiral toward death in all its manifestations or set our minds and hearts on Jesus’ desire to give us life abundant and peace everlasting makes all the difference. Paul’s words make a strong case for setting one’s mind on Spirit-life. (Photo: , Creative Commons)

For the Love of Money
Read this compelling New York Times op-ed by Sam Polk about how he learned that loving money isn’t the answer. Polk left Wall Street and founded a non-profit organization called Groceryships that helps hungry families buy healthy food and learn how to change their eating habits in the process. (Photo: Andrew Magill, Creative Commons)

Consider Your Own Call
Lectionary Reflection for the 4th Sunday after Epiphany, Year A
February 2, 2014
This week’s lectionary lessons invite us to ponder what it means to be disciples, called to love and serve God and others. Our calling is not one to which most of the world aspires, but it is exactly in pursuing what the world deems foolish that we find our meaning and our salvation. (Photo: Aaron Geller, Creative Commons)

Self Care is not Self-ish
If you lead and serve in a congregational setting, be sure to read this article about the importance of self-care from Faith & Leadership at Duke Divinity School. (Photo: Miguel Virkkunen Carvalho)