
Ready for the Party?
Narrative Lectionary Reflection for March 8, 2015
We possess a great treasure in the good news of Jesus Christ. We have been invited to dine with God, to taste and see that the Lord is good, and to be strengthened with a taste of the reign that even now is breaking into our world in surprising ways and unexpected places. (Photo: torbakhopper, Creative Commons)

Come to the Feast
Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost Year A, October 12, 2014
God sets a forth a feast in three of today’s four readings, sending a message of abundance and provision. Yet how often do we seek to accept God’s blessings on our own terms and at our own convenience–often to the detriment of others? (Photo:, Creative Commons, Thanks!)

‘Pity Party’ or ‘Plenty Party’
LECTIONARY REFLECTION – What will it be…a “pity party” or a “plenty party”? With God the answer is always the latter. No matter which lesson you choose this week, there is plenty of mercy, grace, and joy to share. (Photo by khrawlings used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)