
The Abundant Life
Lectionary Reflection for the 24th Sunday after Pentecost, Year B, November 8, 2015
This week’s readings bring us glimpses of two widows: two women on the margins who nonetheless manage to see abundance rather than scarcity. To first century audiences, their situations would have appeared hopeless and their choices absurd—give away all your money or share your last bit of food with a stranger. How will our congregants hear these stories today? (Photo: olearys, Creative Commons)

Pope Calls for Compasion, Care for Poor
Market speculation and pursuit of profits are hindering the global fight against hunger and poverty, Pope Francis told a U.N. conference in Rome on nutrition. He urged the world’s wealthiest nations to do more to help those in need, says this Religion News Service report. (Photo by Alan Light, used by Creative Commons license)

A Faith-Based Guide on Poverty & Hunger
Hand it to Catholic Rural Life for putting together a comprehensive study guide that explores gripping issues of economic justice from a solidly biblical point of view. The information will challenge your mind, tug at your heart and grow your faith. Great reading. (Check out the website for other good resources!) (Photo by Alex Eflon, […]