
Regular Exercise is Good for Leaders
With so much going on in our churches and culture, pastors and other leaders face more stress and busyness than ever before, and statistics show that we’re less healthy than we used to be. Regular exercise can help, says this article from (Photo: Dr. Abdulla Nasar, Creative Commons)

52 Proven Stress Reducers
Let’s face it: We live in a very stressful era, when we are dealing with all sorts of problems, both personally and globally. Meantime, there never seems to be enough time and energy to get everything done. To help, here are “52 Proven Stress Reducers” from the United Methodist Stewardship Foundation. (Photo (c) Laszlolorik, Fotolia)

Mental health of Clergy Requires Balance
Stress comes with the job for most clergy. . Pastors need to be aware of factors that ratchet up the stress — and things they can do to maintain equilibrium, says this report from the Presbyterian Church (USA). (Photo © styf –

When People Are Too Busy for Church
Whether by choice or forced to by the squeeze of economics, people are more harried and overbooked on weekends than they ever have been. But at the same time, our worship communities have done little to change to help families stay faithful. ideas, anyone? (Photo © mtkang –

What to do with more time than money? Help yourself to good health!
‘Just Living’ Blog
The way to good health is often simpler than we like to think. Read on for tips and ideas that are inexpensive and accessible for almost everyone.