
Feasting on Gratitude

Perfect for your fall campaign — here’s a six-week stewardship reflection series on the Lectionary Gospel lessons, beginning Oct. 5. Feasting on Gratitude invites readers to reflect and discuss stewardship principles and practices. Designed to complement and support a congregation’s annual giving campaign, Written for Lectionary Year A in 2011, the series is timely again in 2014. (Photo by JustCookNYC, used by Creative Commons license)

Listen Up, Disciples!

Transfiguration Sunday, Year A, March 2, 2014
Listening is hard work. Just ask Peter! If, however, we can stop long enough to really listen to each other and to God, amazing things happen. Don’t believe me? Well then, listen up.
(Photo (c) Carlosphotos via

Merry Christmas! What Now?

1st SUNDAY IN CHRISTMAS, Year A, Dec. 26, 2010
Christmas Day is almost over and the gospel text for tomorrow reminds us of this broken world’s painful reality. If you are still working on your sermon, perhaps you will find a word here along with an idea for your children’s time. Merry Christmas! (Photo by blacklord used under Creative Commons license. Thanks!)

Let us go now to Bethlehem!

CHRISTMAS EVE, Year A, Dec. 24, 2010
Our job is to go to Bethlehem right here, right now, in whatever context we live and serve and tell the story of the Messiah’s birth. To do so, however, we first must plumb the depths of our own heart and allow Luke’s story to fill us with wonder and hope and awe, just like those first century shepherds. (Photo by allegri used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

Here, There, and Everywhere


This week John calls us to repent, to turn, to do something new. God is on the loose in the world–here, there, and everywhere. Maybe we should get serious about looking for that kingdom of heaven come near. (Photo by Per Ola Wiberg, used under a Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

Stewards of Advent: Wake, Watch, and Wait!

FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT, Year A, Nov. 28, 2010
Wake up, sleepy Christian! Don’t be lulled into consumer compliance for the holiday season. Be stewards of Advent and celebrate the texts that call us to radical awareness God at work in the world and role in that work. (Photo by Per Ola Wiberg used under a Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

Meantime in the Mean Times

25TH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST, Year A, Nov. 14, 2010
Just because we live in the “meantime” does not mean we Christians have to let the mean times of this world wear us down. Don’t let the hater be hating on you.

Saint Who? Saint YOU!

All Saints Sunday reminds us of those Christians who have died in the faith, who have fought the good fight, and whose lives offer an example for us. Now look in the mirror and you’ll see a saint–and a sinner–dearly loved by God and made holy through Jesus Christ. Saint Who? Saint YOU!

The Good, Gray Color of Grace

22nd Sunday after Pentecost, Year A, October 24, 2010

This Sunday’s gospel passage from Luke reminds us that although we might like to see the world in clear cut opposites of black and white, life is really lived in the gray areas. Pharisee and tax collector, saint and sinner…yep, that’s us. (Photo by Flickr used under a Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

Why Persistence Matters

21st Sunday after Pentecost, Year A, Oct. 17, 2010

Why should persistence matter to our parishioners, congregations, and denominations? Can’t we just find some quick fix or program to address all of our woes and concerns? Read on to find out why this often overlooked trait needs to be reclaimed. (Photo by Larry Page used under a Creative Commons License. Thanks!)